Ep. 68: Neale Donald Walsch: A Personal Conversation with the Man Who Wrote Conversations with God


In today’s episode, I’m so happy to share a beautiful conversation with someone you may think you know well based on his very popular books; Conversations With God. The Conversations with God series has been translated into 37 languages has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. The messages he has shared through these books have impacted millions of people, including myself.

Neale’s work has been so important for me personally, and I know it has felt that way for so many in my community as well. That’s why it was so special to be able to meet the man behind these books. Neale openly shares what changed for him after writing this series of books and why he doesn’t allow his face to appear on any of his 38 published books. It was important for him to note that he is not his books, he is simply the messenger and doesn’t always feel like it’s easy or realistic for him to “walk the talk”. He says that he had the same experience writing the book as those who read it, except he was reading it one paragraph at a time as it came through.

During our conversation, Neale speaks about his childhood and how he always felt a strong pull to the Divine and our connection to the universe. His “dark night of the soul experience” during which he was homeless and living on the street for almost a year, and how ultimately it was the best thing that has happened to him. We also spoke about his wife and how meeting her felt like he had finally met his “other”.

“God is talking to all of us all the time. God’s message, wisdom, and clarity is available to every single human being at all times, because it lives inside of each of us. There is no separation. We are individuations of the Divine.” (Click to tweet!)

~ Neale Donald Walsch

Neale shared what he felt was the most important and fundamental takeaway from the Conversations with God series, and that it is found in the first few paragraphs of the first book - We are all having conversations with God and the Divine all the time. It’s not that you CAN have the conversation, it’s that you already ARE! Neale says that organized religions have taught us that we need an expert or someone outside of us to help us get closer to God, but that isn’t true. In his experience and through the messages he has received, Neale wants us to know that God is talking to each and every one of us all the time. The important part is that we need to be open to the messages, nudges, synchronicities and other ways that God is trying to connect with us. 

At the end of the conversation, I asked Neale about what he would tell people about dealing with death and with grief. He credits Elizabeth Kubler-Ross for teaching him all he’s ever come to know about grief and his first point of advice is to feel it all. To let yourself feel all of your feelings and honor the relationship you have with grief. Then, when some time has passed, he suggests taking a look at whether you can connect with them and their continued presence in your life. He uses the terms “continuation day” to describe the day that someone dies as a reminder that you will all be together again, your time as close ones has not ended and it cannot end.

I hope that you enjoy and feel uplifted by this conversation as much as I did. I hope that after listening you will look for and pay attention to all the ways that God is speaking to you during the day and that you find comfort in knowing that you are only physically separated from those that you lost, but your connection to them does not end.

If you are needing support during this pandemic, I invite you to join my free Facebook Group that I have created for you. It is so important to me that we are ready to exit the Waiting Room when it’s time to re-enter our new lives on the other side of this.

I also have a new class that starts in September, I hope you join me. You can register here: 

More About Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to

touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt

connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet

searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with

God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters

has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes

in their day-to-day lives.

Neale has written 38 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in

everyday life. Conversations with God has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe. In order to deal with the enormous response to his writings, Neale has created an

internet platform, www.CWGConnect.com , where the scope and breadth of the CWG

messages may be explored and deeply studied, in audio, video, and written form, and

where readers may get answers to any questions they may have about the material in the

Ask Neale blog.

Neale has a home in southern Oregon where he lives with his wife, the American poet

Em Claire ( www.emclairepoet.com ). They have traveled extensively throughout the

world, speaking to audiences and sharing the messages of the Conversations with God

body of work.

You can connect with him via his website, Twitter, and Facebook.

Listen to Episode 68 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen