EP61: Alex Jamieson and Bob Gower: How To Have Life Altering Conversations


In today’s episode, I’m welcoming back our first repeat guest, Alex Jamieson. However, this time she is also joined by her husband Bob Gower. They have written a new book together called Radical Alignment, and as I mentioned to them during our conversation, I believe it should be required reading for all university and college students, CEOs, politicians, and quite honestly everyone! I think their souls have timed this book with the world’s inability to have a conversation that can solve problems. 

In this conversation, I speak with Alex and Bob about how they met and the evolution of their relationship. They share lessons learned from previous relationships and how they broke old patterns to allow this one to be different. They explain how they moved through each phase of their relationship with intention and they agreed that “if something is important, then we are going to talk about it.”

They talk about their methodology for having difficult and challenging conversations, and how to engage with loved ones even when you don’t agree. There is a condition though, you can only use this with people who are there in good faith. They have to want to connect with you and be willing to allow a different perspective than their own. We could use more of that in our world right now, couldn’t we?

As Bob explains during this conversation, “relationships are people growing machines. You get the support, solace, fun, and excitement only when you embrace the opportunity to learn and become a better version of yourself.” Working on ourselves is great, but the real expansion and growth opportunities come when we are in relation to others.

“When you give yourself over to a relationship, then the relationship gives back to you.” (Click to tweet!)

~ Bob Gower

I hope this interview inspires you to have a deeper, more honest conversation with someone in your life. I hope that you are brave enough to not know all the answers and to be open enough to see another’s perspective. This is the way forward, both for ourselves as individuals, and also as a country and even the world.

If you are needing support during this pandemic, I invite you to join my free Facebook Group that I have created for you. It is so important to me that we are ready to exit the Waiting Room when it’s time to re-enter our new lives on the other side of this.

More About Alex Jamieson and Bob Gower

Alexandra Jamieson is a success mentor, life, and health coach to creative, professional women who want it all. She is the best-selling author of Women, Food & Desire, co-creator and co-star of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me, and highly-sought-after wellness expert. 

Bob Gower helps organizations move faster, create better products, and become happier, more engaging places to work. He is an authority on agile software development, lean theory, and responsive organizational design, and has advised leaders at numerous companies—including GE, Ford, Chanel, PG&E, and Spotify—in creating more effective organizations. He is the author of Agile Business: A Leader’s Guide to Harnessing Complexity and speaks regularly on organizational development and leadership. 

Together, they are the co-authors, and married partners, of Radical Alignment.

You can connect with them via their website, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Listen to Episode 61 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen