EP59: Dylan Thomas Slattery: Beating The Odds


In today’s episode, I’m happy to introduce you to Dylan Slattery. Dylan is someone that has defied all odds and done it with such grace and optimism it’s truly breathtaking to listen to him describe his story. Dylan is a two-time cancer survivor before the age of 27, including a stage four diagnosis with less than 15 percent chance of survival. He has experienced the spectrum of some of the most difficult emotions that life has to offer, from depression, anxiety, addiction, and near suicide and yet he has emerged on the other side with such a strong and resilient perspective.  

In this conversation Dylan shares the mindset that helped him push through, to overcome the odds, and create a life on the other side that no one could have seen coming. He shares his belief that perspective is everything and talks about the importance of who you surround yourself with and how he guarded that for himself even in the ICU.

In these uncertain times in our world and the ongoing talk of what the “new normal” will be, Dylan shares his unique perspective that we are constantly moving through our “next normal”. The idea that it’s a constant evolution and movement forward instead of ever moving back.

“Adversity is a universal experience that can not only unite us, but transform us into who we were meant to become." (Click to tweet!)

~ Dylan Thomas Slattery

I hope that this conversation helps you find hope and meaning at a time when that may be harder to come by. I hope that you will listen and share with anyone in your life that you think could use some help in shifting their mindset and looking for the silver lining. As Dylan said, he could have focused on an 85% empty glass, but he chose to look at it as 15% full. Isn’t that a powerful change? 

If you are needing support during this pandemic, I invite you to join my free Facebook Group that I have created for you. It is so important to me that we are ready to exit the Waiting Room when it’s time to re-enter our new lives on the other side of this.

More About Dylan Slattery

One of the youngest high-performance coaches in the world thanks to his faith, family, and being a two-time cancer survivor before the age of 27, including a stage four diagnosis with less than 15 percent chance of survival. Dylan Slattery has experienced the spectrum of emotions that life has to offer, from depression, anxiety, and near suicide to coaching championship teams, working with Division 1 athletes, and speaking across the country.  Dylan now shares the mindset that helped him push through, to overcome the odds, and create a life on the other side that no one could have seen coming.

You can connect with him via his website, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Listen to Episode 59 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen